We’re Here to Protect The Public and Firefighters
The International Residential Code Fire Sprinkler Coalition is a not-for-profit corporation organized in accordance with Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code. Formed in 2007, our mission is to promote the health, safety and welfare of the public and emergency responders by supporting the installation of fire sprinklers in residential dwellings.
With more than 100 international, national, regional, state and local supporting organizations, the Coalition represents fire chiefs, fire marshals, building code officials and other public safety interests supporting fire sprinklers as a standard in new home construction.
The Coalition promotes the installation of residential fire sprinkler systems through educational outreach and by participating in the development of codes and standards affecting residential construction. The Coalition is currently coordinating efforts of fire-safety advocates to change the International Residential Code (IRC) to require fire sprinklers in new one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses. The IRC is a model code published by the International Code Council (ICC).
Governance of the Coalition is by a board of directors, with a majority of directors being government employees. Funding is provided by supporters’ donations.
Our Board of Directors
President: Ronny Coleman, Retired California State Fire Marshal
Secretary: Steve McDaniel, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Corning, New York
Treasurer: Fred Benn, President, Advanced Automatic Sprinkler, Inc.
Director: Jackie Gibbs, Fire Chief, City of Marietta, Georgia
Director: Jim Ford, Deputy Chief, City of Scottsdale, Arizona
Executive Director: Jeffrey Shapiro, PE, FSFPE